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Friday, October 31, 2014

Theory Of Vulnerability

There's this old adage saying  -- "When in doubt just toss a coin!"
The outcome of the toss is not what we are looking for. In fact its the process that gives a result. In the split second when the coin is in the air and you are awaiting an outcome, unconsciously or sometimes consciously you will know what you want.

The situation that you are in in those anxious but eventful seconds is what I call, a "Vulnerable State".

We think a lot. 
Yes we do!
Often there isn't congruity in what we think we think and what we actually think.
Again, this is just a claim. Might not be true in some cases.
That is not the point I am trying to make here.
How do you really figure out what you think?!

Often the means rampant in today's world is "talking". Without undermining the importance of talking, articulated rodomontade can often be veiled. You cannot always figure out the heart of the words spoken. Such has been the advent of marketing in recent times that "what is" and "what actually is" are always eons apart.

Another angle to same side of the coin. For objectivists, it would hardly matter what other people think. So the whole argument about marketing, for them, is trivial. However, what they think would matter to them. So, how do you actually figure out what you think? Whether what you think you think is actually what you think or just a garb.

Character should be read from the book of actions rather than the book of words. Words can deceive.
Actions cannot. Again, words uttered could be misinterpreted or said so that they are misinterpreted. No such question arises with the actions that one does.
"You can deceive others with your articulation, but how do you feign actions!"

It's objective! You do or you don't!

Going a little further, there could be mechanical actions, actions ingrained and practiced because of inertia.
Taught purposelessly, learnt aimlessly and performed thoughtlessly. These will hardly reveal the ingrained characteristics.

So what exactly will?!

The decisions taken or the actions performed in what I call a "vulnerable state".   

The state of having your back against the wall, of having no option but to "be yourself" because it is a fight for your existence. Or rather a fight for the existence of what you think your existence is. A blot on your existence would shatter your being and you would do all in your powers to not attain that end even if it meant losing the veil (that you knew you had put on or maybe didn't know at all) that exists on your existence in the eyes of the world.

Losing a loved one, financial distress, sickness are some of the extremely common vulnerable states.
Again, these would differ from person to person as to what triggers their individual existences.

As ironical as it may sound, you are the most vulnerable when in your vulnerable state.

The point of writing the whole thing is basically to enable one to dive into one's own depths and figure out what our vulnerable states are.

Cheating on someone can't be "just a mistake" even if you were inebriated because you let yourself be in that situation in the first place. The alcohol just grew balls for you to do something you always wanted to do. It might sound harsh but it is a way of being.
Stealing cannot be called an effect of social malaise simply because "you stole", whatever the situation. There could be a problem with the society, but the bigger problem lies in you.
Falling and habitually just getting right up cannot be ascribed to the person not having an option but to get up simply because "HE GOT UP!"

Champions are made of such stuff. They somehow find themselves in the right place at the right time every single time.
How can it be? What can it be? seems the more pertinent question.

It lies in being the person. Having such internal mechanisms that govern the neural networks of your brain that enable your internal system to take appropriate decisions at appropriate times.

The significance of the physical toil is often overestimated. Hence the mad rush behind grades, degrees, material prosperity alias "PAPER VALUE".

The important part of "being the person" often gets lost in a mad rush for Paper Value probably because changing internal systems is often tougher than physical toil as it would require alteration to the very core of your existence.

The purpose of putting this here?
Dive into your depths, find your vulnerabilities and most importantly run after the right goals.
Because knowing what you think will go a long way in enabling you to know what makes you happy.
And isn't happiness a goal or rather THE goal of life!  


  1. "You want to know how two chemicals interact, do you ask them? No, they're going to lie through their lying little chemical teeth. Throw them in a beaker and apply heat."
