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Sunday, April 27, 2014


Underneath the garb of calmness and serenity, burns an inferno!
Amid-ts several life currents, I now stand at crossroads of life;
The road to be taken is now on the horizon'
A decision has to be made, a road has to be taken!
A squabble thus begins, a nasty one at it;
The promise of forgive and forget,
The lure of a new life,
The practicality of rationality,
And the rationality of a futuristic reality,
All strike at once with honest yet venomous brutality!
And there lays my body,
Rattled by the ferocity of the forthcoming,
Buried in the cacophony of opinions,
Pusillanimous by rational prognostications;
My body lays -- Numb, still, enervated, directionless!
The heart surrenders,
Rather timidly, but understandably;
Burdened by the nebulous past,
Awed by the big future that promised much,
But never really arrived.
Thus lies the beleaguered soul;
In the face of death,
Beating it's last beats
Relieving its most cherished memories,
Remembering its most entrusted beliefs.
A sigh ensues and the tears start to flow,
Not in pity of the soul,
But on its own state nevertheless.
On its reflection in the shattered pieces of hope,
On the loss of trust in its Trust,
On the loss of expectancy which,
Once looked only at the possibilities.
On the loss of faith in its own something,
Something called love if ever it existed;
A love that has lasted for so long
So innocently so unconditionally so truly so impractically 
so irrationally so completely so comprehensively!
That something called love resurfaces
The reminisces of moments start taking effect
The heart beats
And it beats again
And again and again
For that someone
For that soul-mate who is but isn't
For that love which was but never was
For that ever so beautiful face which was always mine but never was
For that seamless, innocent relationship
With no ground rules, no conditions
No wants, no needs!
The innocence,
Of wanting to be together
Of always talking about each other
If not talking to each other
Of thinking about each other
Of simply, seamlessly and tirelessly,
Loving each other.
That innocence ekes out a moment from somewhere
Right from the happiest of memory corners
To give life hope
To give love courage
To give trust vigor
And the blood starts flowing
The heart beat strengthens and then steadies
Rationality takes a punch
Trying to Ir-rationalize the rationality of it all
There it was, light at the end of a tunnel;
There's rationale behind the irrational
Meaning inside the meaningless
Pattern in randomness
Passion to the thoughtless
Hope beyond hopeless
Love beyond hatred
Trust beyond love
And love beyond boundaries
The cloister of mediocrity comes calling
In the veil of practicality!
What is day without night
What is food without hunger
What is success without failure
What is happiness without sorrow
What is love without longing!!!
Stealthily amid-st the triumph
Strikes the unyielding 
The downtrodden and abhorred
The fear, fear of rejection, fear of failure 
In a manner that could suit only itself
Circumventing the past
With exaggerated conjectures
And conjectures is all they are.
The truth lies in those moments
That heartfelt of unspoken love
A love that is but isn't
A love that always was but wasn't
A love that always will be but might not be
A love to love nevertheless
A love to cherish for always
A love that was always loved even when it wasn't
A love that is still loved when it isn't
A love that always will be loved even if it won't
The hope lives
Head high, triumphant at an emphatic victory;
Only to realize the next moment-
This is no time to let loose,
For bigger, bloody battles lay ahead
Battles that will require every ounce,
Battles that will sap every drop,
Battles that will intend to kill!
But the hope is ready,
With trust as its Armour;
To fight off every opponent,
To hang in till the very end,
To give the win every chance!
Maybe, just maybe
The inferno is strong enough to last,
Hot enough to kill,
Most of all, brave enough to stay burning:
Till the end, until the very end!
For however the story ends
I'd have a tale to tell,
A cause for life to smile upon me
A cause for live
A cause to die happy
And in the end
A cause for love to love the love that loved!